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LMS Live~Music~Scene
Hello, My name is Mark.
I love Live Music, and
I am not alone!
YOU are my people!!

For the past 10 years I have been chasing local live music, not only at home, but everywhere I go. It's my obsession. My wife and I often go out to see local bands several times a week. We are usually the coordinators of our "crew". It's always a pain in the ass to figure out Who? is playing Where? and When? We search various social media pages for bands, musicians, venues, groups, various websites, while the crew texts each other to figure out What We are Doing! So it has been a progression for me of trying to figure out how to get this information all in ONE place. Over the years I've come to be good friends with many musicians, venue managers, and other fans. I knew that I had to find a Win-Win-Win solution for all of us........ and I have finally figured it out!
(........drum roll........)
Live~Music~Scene or LMS for short.


Meet The Team
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